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Book Link:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


1.We use future continuous to say that an action will be in progress at a specific time in the future. - Ирээдүйн тодорхой нэг цагт хийгдсээр (өмнө нь эхлээд , дараа нь үргэлжлэн) байх үйлдэл
  • This time on Thursday I'll be flying to Thailand. 
  • Пүрэв гаригт (дараагийн) яг энэ цагт би Тайланд руу нисч байх болно.
  • In two hours she'll be leaving work.
  • 2 цагийн дараа тэр ажлаасаа гараад явах болно.
    2. We use future continuous to predict the present. - Одоо цагийн өнцгөөс урьдчилан таамаглах
    • Don't call him now, he'll be sleeping.  
    •  Түүн рүү бүү утасд,  тэр унтаж байгаа байх  

    3.We use future continuous to make polite enquiries about someone's plans (without wishing to influence those plans). - Хэн нэгний төлөвлөгөөний тухай эелдэгээр асуух (төлөвлөгөөнд нь ямар нэг нөлөө үзүүлэхэгүйгээр)
    • Will you be watching TV this evening? (You simply want to know if the TV will be free)
    • Өнөө орой та телевиз үзэж байх уу? 


    In December, 2015 Dave's ESL Cafe will have been online for twenty years.   (It hasn't yet been online for six years.) 
    - 2015 оны 12 сар гэхэд Давидын англи хэлний кафе 20 жил онлайн ажиллачихсан байх болно.

    I hope that I will have finished this hint by 9:30 PM. (It isn't finished yet).
     - Орой 9.30 гэхэд энэ зааврыг би дуусчихсан байа гэж найдаж байна.
    At 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, I will have finished my third class. (My classes won't
    begin until tomorrow morning and they won't finish until tomorrow at 2:30 PM.)
    - Маргааш   өдрийн 2.30-д би 3дахь хичээлээ дуусчихсан байх болно.
    In about five minutes, I will have thought of at least five example sentences. (I'm
    thinking of example sentences now, but I still don't have five of them.)
    - 5 минутын дараа би дор хаяж 5 уишээ өгүүлбэр бодчихсон  байна даа.
    In June, 2015, my sister  will have been married for two years. (She got married
    in June, 2013. Her two-year anniversary won't be until June, 2015.)
    - 2015 оны 6 сар гэхэд миний дүү гэрлээд 2 жил болчих юм байна.
    It's 8:45 PM now. By 9:30 PM, I hope that I will have sent this hint to Dave Sperling.
    (I haven't
    sent it yet.)
    - Одоо оройн 8.45 болж байна. 9.30 гэхэд энэ зааврыг би Давид Сперлинг руу илгээчихсэн байх болно.

    Monday, April 27, 2015


    Examples of Noun Phrases

    Noun phrases are extremely common.
    A noun with any sort of modifier (including just a number or an article) is a noun phrase.
    Here are some examples of noun phrases:

    S + V + O           
    S(device) + V (is) + O / Subject complement ( mirror )
    • The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it. (Dudley Moore, 1935-2002)
        (In this example, the first noun phrase is the subject, and the second is a subject complement.) 

      •  The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. (Anon)
    • (In this example, there is a noun phrase within a noun phrase. The noun phrase the atom bomb is the object of the preposition against. The prepositional phrase against the atom bomb modifies defense.)

    • I don't have a bank account, because I don't know my mother's maiden name. (Paula Poundstone)
      (In this example, both noun phrases are direct objects.)

    • Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955)

    Saturday, April 25, 2015


    New word definitions  (matching ex)
    Vocabulary: Crime and punishment (p46);
    Technical problems - Fixing
    Past tenses ; Passive; So / neither
    Conjunctions : because; when; if;  who
    Reading texts & conversations

    Students' ppt:

    Thursday, April 23, 2015


    Presentation topics: 
    (New words; Grammar; Reading; Questions; Exercise) 

    Unit 2   -   Д.Уянга, Ш.Хүдэрчулуун, О.Соёл-Эрдэнэ* (III)  
     - "A free spirit"  - p18;19
    Unit 4   -   Д.Баярмаа, Х.Уянга, Базаррагчаа (IX)
     - "Ways to socialize" - p41; 40
    Unit 5   -   Отгонсүрэн, Золбоосайхан*, Тулга*  (V)
    - "Rules and regulations"  - p52;46;44; passive of modals;
    Unit 6   -   С.Болормаа, А.Мичидмаа (XII)
    - "Superstitions from your country" -  (good luck / bad luck); p56. So / neither

    Unit 1  -   Насанбат, Дэлгэрмаа, Н.Энхтүвшин    (XI)  
    - "My biggest challenge"- Your story; p9, p4;8;  questions - p5;2
    Unit 3   -   Мөнхжаргал,  Пагмадулам, Үзмээ (VIII)
    - "Good manners"  - p24;25

    Unit 7   -   Балдүү, Билгүүн, Оюунцэцэг  (II)
    - "A good solution" - problem solving; "to do list"  DIY / p73    / Reading+
    Unit 8   -   Нямдалай, Жавзанпагма, Дуламсүрэн (I)
    - "What is rude behavior?"  - p83; Modals
    Unit 9   -   Мөнхзаяа, Сайнжаргал, Төгстуяа (IV)
    - "We couldn't live without..." - (Material world); p93;     / Reported speech+
    Unit 10 -   Цэцэнлэг, Хасчулуун, Давааням (VII)
    - "How do you define SUCCESS?"  - p105; if / Q-tags
    Unit 11 -   Б.Нинжингарав, Б.Баасанхүү, Мөнгөн(IX)
    - "Protect the environment"  - how technology changes life - p110; Passive
    Unit 12 -   Г.Туул, С.Буянхишиг, Б.Наранбаяр (VI)
    - "What will working lives be like in 2030?"  - Fut.Cont-s/ Fut.Perf

    *  Нийт 35 оюутан 

    Happy English Language Day!
    English Language Day is celebrated each year on April 23 – the date when tradition says William Shakespeare was born.

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015


    Purpose (зорилго):
    to + V   = -ын/-ийн тулд
    in order to + V
    for + N / V+ing 

    Turn down air conditioning to save electricity.

    Turn down air conditioning in order to save electricity.
    Turn down air conditioning for saving electricity.

    Contrast (эсрэг тэсрэг байдал):
    in spite of  + N / V+ing = -аас болоод
    despite + N / V+ing
    Some people water their lawns daily in spite of drought warming.  
    Some people water their lawns daily despite drought warming. 

    Reason (шалтгаан): 
    because of + N / V+ing = - ж байгаа шалтгаанаар
    as a result of + N / V+ing
    due to + N / V+ing
    Climate is changing because of global warming.
    Climate is changing as a result of global warming.
    Climate is changing due to global warming. 

    Alternative (хувилбар):
    instead of + N / V+ing  = -ын/-ийн оронд
    Take public transportation instead of driving you car. 

    Although + clause (I), (II) = -гэсэн хэдий ч
    Even though + clause (I), (II)
    Although environmental problems are overwhelming, there is hope.

    Even though environmental problems are overwhelming, there is hope.

    (II) + because + clause (I)

    (I) + so that + clause (II)

    (I) + so + clause (II)

    Sunday, April 19, 2015


    Passive of Present Continuous
    am/is/are + being + PII (Past Participle)
    Internet access is being made available.
    Workers are being recruited overseas.

    Passive of Present Perfect
    have/has + been + PII (Past participle)
    The education system has been reformed.
    New schools have been built.

    * QA  - Answer these questions in your blogs   
    1.  What work can people do from home these days with the Internet?
    2. Why do not people like long hours, on weekends, in the evenings? 
    3. How can companies reward employees?
    4. Why should people learn new skills?

    Friday, April 17, 2015

    Useful language for making a presentation

    1.    MAKING A START - Introducing yourself and your talk

    Greeting, name, position:
    - Good morning. My name’s (…). I’m ( the manager … ).
    - Ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.
    - Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my background. I started out  in ...
    - Welcome to (…). I knew I’ve met some of you, but just for the benefit of those I haven’t, my name’s (…). 

    Title / subject
    - I’d like to talk (to you) today about …
    - I’m going to present  the recent …
                         explain our position on …
                         brief you on …
     inform you about / describe…      
      - The subject of my talk
           focus            presentation    
           topic             paper (academic)       
                                   speech (usually to public audience)

    Purpose / Objective
    - We are here today to decide
                                      agree …
                                      learn about …
    - The purpose of this talk is to update you on …
                                           put you in the picture about …
                                          give you the background to …
    - This talk is designed to act as a springboard for
      discussion. Start the ball rolling.

    - I shall only take (…) minutes of your time.
    - I plan to brief.
    - This should be only last (…) minutes.

    Outline / Main parts
    - I’ve divided my presentation/talk into four
      parts/sections. They are (…).
    - The subject can be looked at under the following
       headings: (…).
    - We can break this area down into the following fields:
              Firstly / first of all … 
              Secondly / then / next …
              Thirdly / and then we come to …
              Finally / lastly / last of all ...
    - I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.
    - If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.
    - Please interrupt me if there’s something which needs clarifying.
      Otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the end.

    Reference to the audience
    - I can see many of you are …;     
    - I know you’ve all travelled a long way.
    - You all look as though you’ve heard this before.
    - As I’m sure you know … ;          
    - You may remember …
    - We have all experienced …         
    - As I’m sure we’d all agree …

    2.    LINKING THE PARTS – Linking ideas

    Sequencing / Ordering
    - Firstly …    secondly …    thirdly … ;     
    - Then …    next …   finally / lastly …
    - Let’s start with …;  
    - So that covers ....
    - Let’s move/go on to … ;
    - Now we come to … ; That brings us to …
    - Let’s leave that (there) … ; That covers …
    - Let’s get back to …;     … and turn to …
    Giving reasons / causes
    - Therefore / so;    
    - as a result; that’s why ;
    - But;
    - however;
    - similarly;     
    - in the same way;
    - in fact;       
    - actually;
    - to sum up; 
    - in brief / in short;
    - in conclusion; 
    - to conclude;
    - in particular;  
    - especially;
    -By the way ;  
    - in passing;
    Giving examples
    - For example / for instance;  
    - such as;     

    6. FINISHING OFF - Endings

    Signaling the end
    - That brings me to the end of my presentation.
    - That completes my presentation.
    - Before I stop / finish, let me just say …
    - That covers all I wanted to say today.

    - Let me just run over the key points again.
    - I’ll briefly summarize the main issues.
    - To sum up …
    - Briefly …

    - As you can see, there are some very good  reasons …
    - In conclusion …
    - I’d like to leave you with the following thought / idea.

    - So, I would suggest that we …
    - I’d like to propose … (more formal).
    - In my opinion, the only way forward is …

    - Thanks.
    - Thank you for your attention.
    - Thank you for listening.
    - I hope you will have gained an insight into …

    Inviting questions
    - I’d be glad to try and answer any questions.
    - So, let’s throw it open to questions.
    - Any questions?
    7. QUESTION TIME – Asking and answering questions.

    Welcoming a question
    - Go ahead  / Please do / Certainly.
    - That’s a good question.
    - That’s interesting.

    Clarifying a question
    - If I understand you correctly, you are saying / asking …
    - I didn’t quite catch that.
    - Could you go over that again?
    - I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

    Avoiding giving an answer / or taking time to think before answering
    - Perhaps we could deal with that later.
    - Can we talk about that on another occasion?
    - I’m afraid that’s not my field.
    - I don’t have the figures with me.
    - I’m sure Mr. (…) could answer that question.
    - That’s interesting, but I’d prefer not to answer that

    Checking the questioner is satisfied
    - Does that answer your question?
    - Is that clear?
    - May we go on?

    Wednesday, April 15, 2015


    Essay :

    Monday, April 13, 2015


    Tag questions:

    It is amazing, isn't it? 
    She won the talent show, didn't she? 
    He has dropped out of sight, hasn't he? 
    That was a boring thing to do, wasn't it?
    That question is easy. ----->
    That question is easy,
    isn't it?
    He's working hard. ----->
    He's working hard,
    isn't he?
    There's a test tomorrow. ----->
    There's a test tomorrow,
    isn't there?
    He was angry. ----->
    He was angry,
    wasn't he?
    He was watching TV. ----->
    He was watching TV,
    wasn't he?
    There were many problems. ----->
    There were many problems,
    weren't there?
    This seems easy. ----->
    This seems easy,
    doesn't it?
    She worked yesterday. ----->
    She worked yesterday,
    didn't she?
    He left early. ----->
    He left early,
    didn't he?
    They've already finished. ----->
    They've already finished,
    haven't they?
    She's visited Paris. ----->
    She's visited Paris,
    hasn't she?
    He's been there a long time.----->
    He's been there a long time,
    hasn't he?
    They'd left when you arrived. ----->
    They'd left when you arrived,
    hadn't they?
    She can play violin very well. --->
    She can play violin very well,
    can't she?
    We should leave early. ----->
    We should leave early,
    shouldn't we?
    We'd better hurry. ----->
    We'd better hurry,
    hadn't we?

    Saturday, April 11, 2015


    If he had stayed (P.Perf) in school , maybe he would have done (PII) something entirely different.  (-байх байсан)

    If he had not won (P.Perf) the talent contest, he might not have had (PII)  the confidence to become a singer.  (-байсан  байж магадгүй)

    If he had continued (P.Perf) his education, he could have gotten (PII) formal music training.  (-болох байсан)
    Past Unreal Conditionals - Өнгөрсөн цагт хийгээгүй зүйлс
    If I had had time, I would've helped you.
    (I didn't help you because I didn't have time.)
    - Хэрвээ надад цаг байсан бол би чамд туслах байсан. 
    (Нэгэнт цаг байгаагүй учраас туслаагүй өнгөрсөн)
    If I hadn't had a flat tire, I wouldn't have been late.
    (I was late because I had a flat tire.)
     - Хэрвээ дугуй хагараагүй бол би хоцрохгүй байсан. 
    (Дугуй  хагарсан учраас би хоцорсон)
    If she had studied more, she would've had a higher score.
    (Her score wasn't as high as she wanted because she
    didn't study enough.)
    - Хэрвээ тэр илүү их дөвтсан бол тэр өндөр оноо авах байсан. 
    (Нэгэнт давтаагүй учир оноо нь түүний хүссэн шиг өндөр биш байсан)

    If he han't been broke, he would've bought dinner.
    (He didn't buy dinner because he was broke.)
    - Хэрвээ тэр хоосроогүй байсан бол хоол авах байсан. 
    (Нэгэнт мөнгө байгаагүй учраас хоол аваагүй өнгөрсөн)

    If they hadn't saved their money, they wouldn't have
    been able to buy a house. (They were able to buy a house
    because they saved their money.)
    - Хэрвээ тэд мөнгөө хураагаагүй байсан бол байшин авч чадахгүй байсан. 
    (Мөнгөө хураасан учраас байр авч чадсан)

    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    Listening exercises

    Татаад аваарай

    Tuesday, April 7, 2015

    "C" conversation / Checkpoint III

    reporting the content of a conversation

    sharing experiences
    shorter sentences
    Oops ! 

    Sunday, April 5, 2015


    Reported questions

    She : " Are you a student?(Yes/No question = General question)
    She asked  if / whether I was a student.

    He : "How do you  go to your school?"
    He asked how I went to my school. 

    * QA  - Answer these questions in your blogs   
    1. Who is the richest person in the world? 
    2. How much does the average wedding cost these days?
    3. What's the best way to pay for college?

    4. What's the quickest way to make a million dollars?
    5. What's a good way to save money?
    6. What's the most expensive thing you think you'll ever buy? 

    (Use: Apparently; Evidently; I was told; They say; I('ve) heard; I('ve) read)

    Friday, April 3, 2015


    Reported speech - Хөндлөнгийн үг

    She : "My goal is to study English."
    She said that his goal was to study English

    He : "My father gave me a notebook."
    He said that his father had given him a notebook. 

    She : "I have been working in a school."
    She said that she had been working in a school.

    He : "I can't do my homework."
    He said that he couldn't do his homework. 

    * QA  - Answer these questions in your blogs   
    1. Do you like to have all the latest gadgets? 

    2. Could you live without a credit card? 
    3. Are you very attached to your possessions? 
    4. Have you ever gotten upset because you lost or broke something valuable? 
    5. Do you often buy things you don't need? 

    Wednesday, April 1, 2015

    Оюутны ном - pdf

    Интерактив дасгалуудаа хийгээрэй (Units 1-9)

    Төгсөх магиструудын англи хэлний шалгалтын тухай: